As a commercial business operating in the modern digital age, it’s vital as an employer to extend Identity Theft Protection coverage to your employees.
As a commercial business operating in the modern digital age, it’s vital as an employer to extend Identity Theft Protection coverage to your employees. By doing so, you can provide your employees with a sense of security and personal protection from identity theft. Identity theft is one of the leading causes of negatively impacted credit scores and can contribute to financial loss for employees. By offering identity theft protection coverage, employees can benefit from credit locks and an extra security layer against fraudulent activity online. Malden Solutions can help.
What is Identity Theft Protection Coverage?
Malden Solutions offers Identity Theft Protection coverage for commercial businesses, whether you’re a small or large corporation. This coverage can either be voluntary or employer-paid to protect employees. Willis Towers suggests that by 2021, approximately 63% of employers intend to extend voluntary Identity Theft Protection coverage to employees. Identity Theft coverage can help notify employees of hard credit inquiries on purchases and provide reimbursement for victims of identity theft to help repair their credit reports. As an employer, you can offer a more competitive benefits package by extending Identity Theft Protection to employees.
Opting for Employer-Paid Identity Theft Protection vs. Voluntary
Employer-paid Identity Theft Protection is more regularly reported than voluntary identity theft coverage. As a commercial business, the rates for employer-paid Identity Theft Protection can often be lower than an individual voluntary ID protection package. For many reasons, employers opt for employer-paid identity theft protection coverage to provide an affordable solution to their employees. If you aren’t looking to foot the bill to extend employer-paid Identity Theft Protection benefits, offering voluntary benefits to your employees can provide them with the option to pay for the coverage they desire.
The Importance of Identity Theft Protection
Identity Theft Protection is vital to provide protection for employees in the event of their personal information being leaked due to data breaches, security breaches, and criminals obtaining their data for nefarious purposes. An investment into Identity Theft Protection can help monitor suspicious activity, reimburse funding to theft victims, and resolve ID theft cases. Contact Malden Solutions today!
Partner with Malden Solutions Today
Malden Solutions has a wealth of expertise in providing employer insurance solutions, HR solutions, and individual insurance solutions to businesses both big and small. Our team of seasoned professionals can help you navigate the rapidly-changing world of insurance with ease. We partner with businesses and individuals throughout the country to provide our dedicated services for employee benefits but also work within our surrounding communities in Maryland, Northern Virginia, and Washington, D.C. Contact us today to learn more about how we can provide effective, dynamic solutions for your business. Stay connected with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin.