Having streamlined payroll services will help your business tenfold.
Payroll is nothing to take lightly. The biggest frustration at any job is finding out that your pay is incorrect. Some small businesses manage payroll quite well, but if you need help, it’s okay to ask for it. Running a small business and trying to ensure that your employees have the proper pay can be overwhelming. But Malden Solutions is here to help. Not only do we specialize in providing insurance plans, but we offer payroll services as well. Here are the top four signs that you need these services.
Employees Are Leaving
A high turnover rate is due to more than poor work relationships or hiring the wrong employees. It can also be due to your payroll process not being on point. If employees never receive pay on time or are always missing money, it’s enough to leave them frustrated and searching for another job. Most employees are not willing to take a chance on their hard-earned money.
You’re Spending Too Much Time on Payroll
This process can be time consuming, but we can streamline it for you. If you’re spending more time on payroll than managing your business’s daily operations, something is amiss. When you hire Malden Solutions, all you have to do is send us your employee information (via our online portal, phone, or fax), and we will run your payroll, take care of checks, and direct deposit. You can look forward to saving a lot of time and money! Our rates are affordable, and we save many of our clients, 30-50% compared to competitors. We also offer tax services! We take care of it all.
Your Company Has to Fix Mistakes Constantly
If you’re fixing mistakes each pay period, your staff will notice and become frustrated. Plus, fixing mistakes often is stressful by itself with or without the backlash. If this isn’t your strong suit, outsourcing is beneficial. The occasional error happens, but frequent errors mean that the payroll process isn’t where it should be and that you should address this.
You Don’t Have A Standardized Process.
Employees look forward to having their pay hit their account around the same time every week or two weeks. If multiple people take care of your payroll, this could result in the process not being streamlined. Standardized procedures help reduce errors and leave your employees happy about their pay.
If any of these signs are what you’re experiencing, reach out to Malden Solutions today!
Partner with Malden Solutions Today
Malden Solutions has a wealth of expertise in providing employer insurance solutions, HR solutions, and individual insurance solutions to businesses both big and small. Our team of seasoned professionals can help you navigate the rapidly-changing world of insurance with ease. We partner with businesses and individuals throughout the country to provide our dedicated services for employee benefits but also work within our surrounding communities in Maryland, Northern Virginia, and Washington, D.C. Contact us today to learn more about how we can provide effective, dynamic solutions for your business. Stay connected with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin.